Wednesday, January 25, 2006

This Just In...

Stephen Harper purposely runs over kittens, puppies and small children with his gas guzzling, environmentally unfriendly SUV.

He’s nothing if not good for a laugh.

Send in your submissions and enjoy those from others.

And pass on the link!

Here are a few to start things off right:

I heard he once stabbed a hobo with a moose antler.

I heard he's seen 9 1/2 Weeks fifty-seven times."

I think he also likes to stomp on bunnies while wearing ski boots.

~ Ashley, Toronto

I heard he plucks baby robins out of their nests and throws them at walls... and also, he puts hamsters in socks and swings them around.

~ Rob, Kitchener

Worth mentioning: Meredith from Toronto let us know that she heard that Harper actually used a shishkabob skewer to poke the hobo, not a moose antler.

We'll look into it.