I heard that Harper punched a baby in 2004. In the throat.
I heard that he said that Chuck Norris was a pansy, and that he could take Chuck in a straight-up fight.
I heard that he has a barbed tail.
I heard that he eats kittens raw. He spits the paws out on the carpet.
I heard that he supports intelligent design. He uses himself as proof that God exists.
I heard that he once swallowed a pint of crude oil to fill the place in his chest where his soul used to be.
I heard that he doesn't like maple syrup, he likes refined sugar and urine.
I heard that his breath is pure carbon monoxide.
I heard that he does not sing. He wails a shrill cry that blinds the innocent.
I heard that he once made out with an elder dread god. The dread god is embarassed about that story to this very day.
I heard that he had his nipples removed in '99 to further isolate himself from the rest of humanity.
I heard that he was not born. He was hatched.
I heard that he wears socks made of the finest leather. Baby leather.
I heard that he doesn't drive an SUV. He just starts gasoline fires in his back yard. He says it reminds him of "home".
I heard that he wants to go to Iraq, but only to bomb the museums.
Scott, Montreal
HELLO, I am going to assume you have stairs in your house.
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